Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Just after the CaRILLO event done and dusted, Jane Secker from LSE and I got confirmation that our bid for a Phase 2 HEA OER project had been accepted!

The aim of our project, DELILA (Developing Educators Learning and Information Literacies
for Accreditation) is to embed digital and information literacy learning material in to HEA accredited teacher training. Here at Birmingham a central unit run our PG Cert HE course and after discussion with the director, we knew that we had a plan to embed our existing IL resources in to the course. The project steering group, made up of staff from both Birmingham and LSE, will be meeting at the end of September in London to discuss the project plan and work schedules.

I'm really excited at being involved and with the prospect of working closely with Jane and her colleagues at LSE.

I will keep the blog up to date with information about the project as we progress. There should also be some further information on the HEA website fairly soon.

CaRILLO event at Birmingham

I've been very slack at updating the blog since last year. It's high time that I posted a few entries on what has been happening in the world of IL RLO sharing.

In August, we held the first CaRILLO (Creating and Re-using Information Literacy Learning Objects) event at the University of Birmingham. This came out of a symposium that I co-ran at LILAC in March 2009. One of the outcomes from the group discussion was that a community of practice was needed to share ideas, expertise and actual resources. Soon after I set up the IL RLO Share wiki at but also set about planning a face to face event at which librarians could meet and discuss ideas.

I contacted the speakers, who all agreed to take part. The scariest moment was putting out the advert on LIS-LINK and LIS-INFOLITERACY, not knowing if anyone would be interested. I needn't have worried as we had sold out the thirty places within five days and had about twenty more librarians wanting to attend.

The event took place on Tuesday 3rd August and the presentations from the day are now available on SlideShare at

A few of the attendees blogged about the event afterwards:

Jane Secker at

Paul Ayres at

We have been asked to organise further events, focussing on creation and sharing of learning objects, so watch this space for further events!